quarta-feira, 29 de abril de 2015

Monsters of Tour in Curitiba Part 1

Olá para todos os metal heads ! A espera finalmente acabou , na (terça feira dia 28/04/2014) o festival Monsters of Tour que trazia , os três grandes nomes do heavy metal mundial como : Ozzy Osbourne , Judas Priest e Motorhead chegam finalmente a Curitiba .
     O local do show foi na Pedreira Paulo Leminski , mesmo sendo um dia de semana , uma fila enorme cobria aquele local , pois o desejo de todos , era ver esses deuses do metal bem de pertinho .
    Está é a primeira vez que Ozzy Osbourne vem a Curitiba , diferente das outras duas bandas que já vieram até aqui .
   Além do pessoal de Curitiba , muitas pessoas de outras capitais também vieram até aonde acontecia o evento .
    De acordo com a programação do evento , os portões iriam abrir as 4 horas da tarde . E quem iria dar inicio aos shows era a banda Motorhead , que entrou as 6:30 da tarde .
   Muitas pessoas foram ao show , pois além de gostarem das três bandas , a saúde do vocalista do Motorhead ( Lemmy Kilmister) , anda muito debilitada . O que deixou muitos fãs preocupados , pois tinham medo de vê-lo pela última vez . Cada show tinha a duração 2 horas .
   Mesmo fraco e debilitado Lemmy Kilmister tocou muito bem e fez um show emocionante para quem não esperava algo igual . 

Hello to all metal heads! The wait is finally over, on (day Tuesday 28/04/2014) Monsters of the Tour festival that brought the three big names in heavy metal world as Ozzy Osbourne, Judas Priest and Motorhead finally come to Curitiba.

The venue was in Pedreira Paulo Leminski, despite being a weekday, a huge line covering that place because everyone's desire, was to see these metal gods very closely.

This is the first time that Ozzy Osbourne comes to Curitiba, unlike the other two bands that have come here.

In addition to the staff of Curitiba, many people from other cities also came to where the event happened.

According to the program of the event, the gates would open 4 pm. And who would initiate the shows was the band Motorhead, which came at 6:30 pm.

Many people came to the show, as well as liking of the three bands, the health of the singer of Motorhead (Lemmy Kilmister), walks very poor. What left many fans worried because they were afraid to see him one last time. Each show had a lasting 2 hours.

Even weak and debilitated Lemmy Kilmister played very well and made an exciting show for those who did not expect anything like it.


Depois do show do Motorhead , foi a vez da banda do Judas Priest fazer o show . Esse show foi espetacular , o carisma do vocalista Rob Halford que se misturava com o amor da plateia . Chegou a dizer que sentia que tinha se rejuvenescido com aquela plateia calorosa . O show do Judas foi cheio de gritos , vocais agudos , explosões de fogos em volta . 

After Motorhead's show, it was the turn of the band Judas Priest do the show. This show was spectacular, the charisma of vocalist Rob Halford who mingled with the love of the audience. He went on to say that he felt had rejuvenated with that warm audience. The show of Judas was filled with screams, sharp vocals, fireworks explosions around.


E para fechar a noite mais aguardada , o principe das trevas Ozzy Osbourne veio fazer seu belo show . Cantando , pulando ,  molhando a plateia e os roudies . Sendo o Ozzy que conhecemos ,e o melhor era que metade do set list dele era só músicas clássicas de sua carreira e poucas musicas do novo album foram tocadas o que levou o público ao mais completo delírio.  E ele promete voltar .. ^ç^

And to close the night most expected, the prince of darkness Ozzy Osbourne came to her beautiful show. Singing, jumping, splashing the audience and roudies. Being Ozzy we know, and the best was that half of the set list it was just classic songs of his career and a few songs from the new album were played which led the public to the full delirium. And he promises to come back .. ^ O ^


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